1201 South Church Street | Mount Laurel, New Jersey 08054 | (856) 234 - 0062
Report a Water or Sewer Emergency - Call 856-234-0062 - 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Board of Directors

Carol Murphy     2/2021 - 1/2026

Vice Chair
Cheryl Coco-Capri     2/2020 - 1/2025

Elwood Knight     2/2022 - 1/2027

John Francescone     2/2024 - 1/2029

Deputy Secretary
Christopher Gray     2/2024 - 1/2028

Executive Director
Pamela J. Carolan, P.E.

Our Board of Directors/Trustees are appointed by the Mount Laurel Township Council for 5 year terms, staggered. Board positions of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary are determined by the Board Members during the annual reorganization meeting each February. Board Members meet minimum of once per month

The Board establishes Authority policies. The Executive Director implements those policies and manages the day to day operations of the Authority.

Mount Laurel residents interested in serving on the Authority’s Board of Directors may apply directly to Mount Laurel Township using this link for Municipal Utilities Authority Board of Trustees  https://www.mountlaurel.com/government/board_positions.php