1201 South Church Street | Mount Laurel, New Jersey 08054 | (856) 234 - 0062
Report a Water or Sewer Emergency - Call 856-234-0062 - 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Contact Us

To Report an Emergency Call: 856-234-0062 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week


Regular Business Hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm.

After hours and on weekends, emergency business will still be addressed by a live individual (not voice mail) by calling 856-234-0062.

Please do not email us with emergencies, as emails may not be immediately addressed.


Mailing Address (for matters other than customer payments):

Mount Laurel MUA

1201 S. Church St.

Mount Laurel, NJ 08054


Customer Payments (Click Here for Payment Options)


Customer Service



Fax 856-866-1092


Permits/New Construction

856-722-5900 ext 117



Payments to Vendors

856-722-5900 ext 142


Fax 856-866-1092


Purchasing Agent

856-722-5900 ext 143


Fax 856-235-0816


Other Key Employees

856-234-0062 or 856-722-5900


Chief Administrative Officer - Jon Sears

Chief Operating Officer - Pam Carolan

Operations Engineer – Erika Reilley

Sewer Division Chief – Jeff Nutt

Water Division Chief – Samantha Wittenberger
